How hard is it to get out an emaerald?


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Isn't there a way to tell gender of the emerald crab and isn't one better than the other male or female?
I believe its the tail flap on there underside. Boys are squared off and girls are pointed.
I believe that girls are better. I have also herd that boys are the one with the big honkin claws.


Active Member
Other way around, boys are pointed, the one a couple of posts up (post #17) is a boy. Neither are more preferred.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Other way around, boys are pointed, the one a couple of posts up (post #17) is a boy. Neither are more preferred.
Thanx for the correction. Wow no wonder he is showing off his underside. I would be proud too.
Originally Posted by azfishgal



Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Thanx for the correction. Wow no wonder he is showing off his underside. I would be proud too.