How hard is it to make a DIY 100- 120 gallon tank?


mastino mike

About the liner you have a few choices. You could purchase a box cut liner(butyl rubber) to your tank specs so you dont have to worry about any wrinkles in the liner. You coud purchase a flat sheet of edpm rubber and just fold it in place. If you are using glass the liner is siliconed to the glass(the attachment is the innermost layer) If you are using acrylic the attachment area is sanded first, I used weld-on to glue it then siliconed over the attachment. The water pressure holds the liner in place and helps to form a water tight seal.


I did alot of research on plywood tanks before I decided to just buy a tank from the store. I found it really only becomes cost effective for tanks around 150 gallons and larger. The piece of glass alone for the 150g tank I was going to build was going to cost around $150, then it was about $50 for the two part epoxy, and the 3/4" plywood was close to $30 a sheet around here. I finally just decided to pick up a 125g w/lights and glass top for $299 from the LFS.
Here is the instructions I was going to follow...
Materials calculator...
A place to buy the epoxy paint in different colors...
300 gallon plywood tank step by step...


Thank you, Brian, it's looking more and more like I should follow your advice. I just wanted to have a larger tank so bad, figured the only way to get one was to build my own. Oh well, the juries still out, so to speak. I'll keep you posted.


um, I still haven't purchased a larger tank, and I haven't built anything, either. I keep hoping for a sub $300 tank to come along....