how heavy is a 140g all glass tank...just tank


I'm going to be getting my 140g today and only have 3 people to load and 2 to unload it.
So how heavy would an all glass 72"x24"x19.5" aquarium be? I'm thinking no more than 150lbs?


Well-Known Member
I've unloaded a 150g aquarium with 1/2" thick glass with two people before. Granted, my friend and I are "big guys"


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I've unloaded a 150g aquarium with 1/2" thick glass with two people before. Granted, my friend and I are "big guys"
Thats kind of what I wanted to hear. I'm a fairly big guy but the dude helping me isnt that big. I'll have to knock on my neighbors door for help.


i'm a skinny guy, and so was the guy who helped me load it and we did just fine, tank was 125gallon long


I did a 125g with only 2 people with no problem. A 140g should weight a tad more but not too much more. You might be good with 2 people as long as they are strong guys.


Active Member
It really depends on the thickness of the glass, I have a 110g that has 5.8" sides and a 1" bottom. My brother is 350lbs and I'm 250lbs and we picked it up carried it couple a feet and decided forget that and went and got a furniture dolly to move it. If I had to guess I would say my tank is 350-400lbs.
I have moved 110's and 125's, all depends where you are moving to/from. If you are picking it up say from a waist high level and setting down on a waist high level, not going up and sets of stairs, you should be fine with 2 people. If you want to set it down on the ground at any point and then try to pick back up, that is when you will need more than 2 people, or if you need to go up/down any stairs. If you want to be safe 4 people is the way to go!


ah man that thing was cake. We had 4 people move it from waist high to a bed of a truck probably 3 feet away and unloaded it in my garage about 3 feet away from the truck. We could have easily done it with two people.
Thanks for the help guys.
Now I have to figure out what to do with that bulkhead on the side.


My little girlfriend and i moved a 125, and my big buddy and i moved my 220 by ourselves. I think you can probably manage.


Active Member
Hubby and our cabinet maker moved a 150g AGA tank together. They are both big and strong and didn't have a great time with it :)


Originally Posted by lighteningthes
Guess I must be odd but I carried my 75 alone, so I was thinking one more person.
Damn, you must have some long arms. Can you scratch your knees without bending over?