How high salinity can crabs/snails handle


Hey guys, I'm waiting on my refratometer to arrive (any day now *happily*)
I'm wanting to get an answer to a question I've had ever since my salinity dropped really bad a month ago.
What is the specific range I need to keep within to keep my crabs and snails happy? Obviously the fish are a bit hardier but I'm concerned that when I get new crabs and snails I will have to be very exact as not to lose them.


Active Member
Agreed. Mine has crept up to 1.026 with no problems. Get down to about 1.023 and you may see your snails start falling off the glass.
I ordered a refractometer from here, it got here about 30 min. ago. It is so cold here, the whole thing fogged right up. :D
Guess I'll play with it tomorrow.


Active Member
That is funny Kara! the same thing happened to me when I got mine, I was sitting there waiting for the dang thing to warm up.
bye the way I love your doggie avatars!


I have kept mine at 1.025 since I started my tank. My inverts seem to do great at this salinity. Haven't lost anything....