How high will gas be?

nacl freak

After reading that, the upkeep on my horse is looking better and better! Now if I could just find a reasonable covered wagon.


Originally Posted by mgatdog
What ever you are doing must be good stuff to think thats ever going to happen.

Only time will tell, but I tell you this history is on my side. March 1981 gas prices (adjusted for inflation) were around $3.29 a gallon. By the mid 1980's the price had fallen to under half of that. Early 90's Iraq invades Kuwait price of gas shoots back up to around $2.25( adjusted for inflation) and by the end of the 90's its back down to around a dollar a gallon. This is nothing new. About oncea decade someone in the middle east throws a fit, the price of oil shoots up for a couple years and then falls back down. There is plenty of oil out there to be made into gas, there just isn't the refining capacity. Problem is now people use oil as an investment because of the weakened dollar. So foriegn investors can buy more oil because the dollar is worth less compared to their currencies. As soon as the dollar stabilizes and gains some ground the return on oil becomes less than the interest they can earn on their money if they would invest in greenbacks or in US stocks and so people will dump their oil futures and the pric of oil will come back down.