How horrible!

Today I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some more fish food for my fw fish, and took a look at their fish while I was there. 6 dead fish in one tank, 5 in another, etc. The lowest dead fish count for any of the tanks was 2 in one of them. They had about 15-20 Oscars in a little 10 gallon tannk! :mad: I think Wal-Mart should definately be stopped from selling live fish. :mad: :(

nm reef

Active Member
Well personally I think Wal_Mart should just be stopped....period.:D
The family has already accumulated enough wealth saving us money to buy their own Third World Nation!!!!!! I say sell 'em one and be rid of them for good!!!:cool:


Active Member
NOT to bash you jillian but your part of the problem. If you continue to buy pet products form them, they will continue to sell them.
The ONLY way to make something happen is to do something. Don't support them. I know, your saying to yourself "1 person not buying something won't make them stop" but your wrong. One person can make a diffrence if they are persistant and know the right people to call. SO, instead of saying things about it, do something about it.
Good Luck
Actually, I just buy fish food there, nothing more. I don't buy their fish anymore. Hopefully, if not just me but alot of people refuse to buy their livestock and just stick to the dry goods, they may be forced to stop selling them. I really hope so. :(


Active Member
You can do what you want, but I don't even buy fake plants for my freshwater tank there. I do not support their pet products at all...
No dog food, cat food, bird food etc... I boycott that section all togther..
I wrote them a letter:
I have been a regular Wal-Mart customer for some time now and love your store and the low prices often help me living on the budget of a college student. However, since I have began getting supplies in the fish section, I have noticed some horrible things going on there. As an owner of 4 different fish tanks, and having been in the hobby since I was 7, I know quite a bit about fish,a nd was horrified to see the way the live fish sold in your stores were treated. When looking at the holding tanks, I saw well over 30 dead fish all together, all just floating or laying on the bottom, with noone giving any thought to them. In the 10 gallon holding the Oscars, these large fish were packed in almost too tightly to move. 2 of them were laying on the bottom dying slowly. Having owned my own fish tanks and working in a fish store, I know how long it takes algae to build up on tanks, and the amount of algae appeared as though the tanks had not been cleaned in at least 2 weeks. Furthermore, every time I go there and make pity buys, hoping to help the fish and uncrowd the tanks a little, it always takes at least 15 minutes to find someone who can help us, and there does not seem to be a single person there who knows anything about the fish they are selling. Once, I even had to catch my own fish because the employee couldn't and she just walked off and left me there, returning almost 30 minutes later. Where she went I don't know. While I love your stores, and will continue to shop there, I will not be buying any more pet products of any type because of the heinous treatment of the fish. Please add an employee who knows what they're doing for the fish department, or just stop selling fish in general. Until I see an improvement in this store, I will continue to not buy my pet products. Thank you for your time and hopefully things will improve for the sake of these animals.
Jillian Ayers


How about just DONT BUY ANYTHING THERE AT ALL!!!!! I really dislike Wal-Mart. They built a store in the town where I went to college on the flood plain and RUINED the local environment. Not to mention that it is a town of 8,000 and they are closing a lot of local stores.


Its corporate america at its worst. Money talks and bulls**t walks. I have noticed a very fast rapid decline in live stock at walmart where I live from many years previous. Walmart unfortinately has the right idea. People act on impuslses. They see fish, they want it, and buy it end of story. Walmart is as happy as a pig in s**t. customers buy supplys, tanks and all the halfa**ed nesassary equipment and walk out with no knowlege of the hobbie. I would think the employees at walmart would know very little compared to lfs. Of course some lfs have little knowlege as well. Lets face it most pet store that have the cheepo freshwater tank only do not specallize in fish, its just more of a staple. In the past, I am guilt of driving a freswater tank to hostile water qaulity due to lack of knowlege and lazyness, but everything seemed to live, hevily stressed I might add. Its sad to know that this type of stuff is going on all over the place, due to it is so cheap to start a freshwater tank. It comes down to the lack of entusiasim for fish health, most people can afford mistakes when fish die, and lack of a message board as nice as this one. I would definately complain to the management. At least they will get the dead ones out, which at the very least will help the other ones survive. If their is disease in the tank grab the proper treatment off the shelf treatment and watch the management do it. The phrase the costomer is always right comes to mind. If you have enough sense to complain he or she should have enough sense to take your advice and realize your not just some jagg off that knows absoultly nothing about the hobbie.


I agree with the livestock at wal-mart but even complaining by mail or email doesnt work period it just gets over looked and or thrown away. on the other hand if you call them ( I think they have a 1-800 number) for the main offices in Bentonville, AR. and complain that way you will get more of a response then writting or emailing them. I will look and see if I stil have the number here somevwhere, also calling them does work if enough people call. there are many of the stores in AR now that doesnt sell fish because of this reason.


Active Member
while i dont ever buy walmart fish- the display equipment and holding tanks are quite the piece of work- sleek- built in overflows sliding doors over the lights - i wish i had one- i would say the whole unit cost at least 3 grand


I worked in the pet department at a local Wal-Mart about 8 years ago. The pets manager was very knowledgable and was training me, but their system of pee-on help is always making you stop your dutties and help with check-out. We tried to keep the stock best we could, but you always had children dropping things in the tanks and general managers wanting as much in as possible. We had a 75 display with a few Pocu and African Catfish and a really cool Oscar that some kid dumped a full bottle of shampoo in while we were at survivors. I left not long after, as I was only part time and tired of Wal-Mart.


Active Member
Weren't you just stating what you saw and your thoughts about it?
Come on guys/girls, give her a break. I seen numerous post before about others shopping here and there and what they saw. No one got on their case (ie, *****).