How is shipping here?


Hi! ***)
I love this site and it sounds like they put lots of care into shipping, but I'd like to hear if it really works well. I have been ready for a small octopus for months and my LFS is still looking for me. They have them here, but it's such a vulnerable species; hence the question.

Thanks in advance!

Fishy1 :happyfish


I've received three shipments from them. Never a problem, but they are only 3 hours south on I-95 from me.


Active Member
I have ordered 10 times. Everything has always been packed very well, I've never had a bag with a leak.

sinner's girl

everything's been packed well. Second order everything was alive (first order there was a mix up and the package spent the night at fedex)


The only problem I had, was that they sent me a wrong anemone and I E-mailed them but they never did anything about it. So I took about a $10.00 loss. That was about 2 years ago though. Never had a problem since. The live stock is always alive and doing good though. They are great shippers. Except for the mix up. The mix up did'nt even bother me. The fact that they just ignored my email was the real problem I had with it.
But I say go for it,