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There must be some miscommunication on my part, each filter is 3 tank turns per hour, I have 4 of them so a total of 12 tank turns per hour. I already said there is plenty of filtration on this tank. Now does anyone have actual experience with a undulated or clown terrorizing a large fish like an angel or grouper, or is this just talk abouth these fish and how they terrorize smaller fish or more doscile fish.
Grouper, IMO, are pretty docile fish. They are generally ambush predators and are, as such, not particularly "aggressive." They are aggressive in terms of the fact that they will tend to eat other smaller fish in time...much like lionfish, but are not particularly
actively territorial and aggressive as a trigger is, in particular relative to a clown or undulated.
I think what people are telling you is that you take your chances far more with them than with the picasso or niger, which is an opinion you were seeking...both in terms of overall risk to other fish, and to any clean up crew. And a trigger does not need to directly attack fish to cause enough stress that you will get a disease problem.
I have 4 canister filters equalling 420 gal of filter power at 3 tank turns per hour, plenty of filtration.
I'll admit that no, this sentence did not make it extremely clear what was going on. It seemed to me you were saying your tank turnover was 3 times an hour, nowhere near enough, IMO. 4 canister filters that each filter 420 g per hour = 1680gph total so that is 7 times turnover of the tank (assuming of course that the filters are running at full capacity which in the case of canister filters on an aggressive tanks means they are cleaned basically every week, IMO). It was unclear because each filter basically filters the tank 1.75X per hour so the "3 times an hour" was unclear to me.
IMO, you are STILL underfiltered...I would prefer to see a wet/dry with a biiig skimmer. But if it works for you that is cool, people are just giving opinions