How is this sand combo

I am planning to use 60 lbs of CaribSea Seaflor, 60 lbs of CaribSea Aragamax Oolitic and 40 lbs of live sand from my old tank for a deep sand bed for my new 75 gallon reef ready tank. How does this combo sound and how deep of a bed do you think I will get.

nm reef

Active Member
I like that combination of sand. Very close to whats in my 55 reef. I used about 40 lbs of caribsea aragamax...40 lbs of caribsea aragonite...40lbs of caribsea reef flor grade(kind of mixed sizes)...and 2x20 lb bags of Natures Ocean LS
To figure the amount of sand needed I use the following formula.
Length x width x desired depth x .0579 = lbs sand