How large do anemones get?


New Member
I purchase a small sebae anemone about six months ago and after a difficult 2 month acclimation, he has finally found his home and he's been thriving.
He went from bright white with short, nobby, purple-tipped tentacles to dark beige with long, flowing, purple-tipped tentacles and he looks really healthy and happy with his two clownfish buddies.
He was orginally about four inches across when fully open and six months later, he's the size of dinner plate and seems to be growing quite quickly.
My tank is only 55 gallon - will he outgrow it?


they will get as big as you allow them to, how often do you feed it? if you cut back on feeding they will shrink alittle bit


New Member
Every ten days or so, I give it a little something such as frozen mysis, or live blood worms, or a little piece of shrimp. Even when I don't feed it, the clowns take it bits of whatever I feed them.