How Long before I can add new fish


All the fish in my tank have died with the exception of one now who is not long for this world, I guess it was definately ick (it hit so fast). After the last is gone how long before I can add new fish? I am new to all this and getting so many different takes, help. :help:
My inverts are all still alive and doing well, I have coral banded shrimp, 2 flame scallops, numerous turbo snails, sand sifting star, chocolate chip star, fighting conch, 2 anenomes and anenome crabs.


First we need to know all your tank readings, such as am, nitrate, nitrite, alk, ph, what tank size, what you running, filters, skimmer, how long has it bees set up, any LR or LS...
Also don't add any more fish until we find what the problem is......


All levels test perfectly except of course the salt level which has been corrected (I believe this really stressed them out), I am new to this but I have the double penguin filter system? 55 gallon tank and it has been set up since October 05.
Thanks again for your response and I definately will not add any more fish until this is all worked out. $$$$$$ you know what I mean.


I do not maintain this tank myself, I have a girl that does it and she works for a pet store that has many salt tanks but I feel she might have just messed up being at work all day then doing my tank that night.


Active Member
well if your friend was maintaining your tank and didnt notice the problem of may want to reconsider the outside maintance help. levels tested perfect is what??did she tell you this? has all perameters been tested alk/trites/trates/amm/sg/? when was the last water change? what maintenance does she perform on the tank? we need to know these answers before we can post a logical responsible answer and help fix the problems.


Agree, I think you have to change your maintanence people.....And by the way you have 2 anemones, what kind of light are using to keep them, Anemones need MH lights to thrive....Soon or later the anemones will die and crash your tank again.....
We need the exatcly readings of your tank, everyone says perfect, but don't you think if it was perfect the fishes would be still alive.... :notsure: ..
And maybe you overstocked your tank and your tank couldn't handle the bioload of all your fishes.....
We need more info to help you out more.


Yep, more info needed

If it actually WAS ich (which wouldn't affect your inverts) then you'd need to let the tank run without fish for quite awhile. In the life cycle of ich it will be in your tank and may infect any new fish you put in. If you let it run fishless for awhile the ich will hatch and not being able to find a fish host will die off after several weeks. You'd stand a better chance if you waited till the ich dies before adding fish.
All that is assuming that it really was ich that killed them.


I take my water and have it tested at the local shop where I have bought my fish, the owner of the shop checked all the levels (of course she said everything was great, she is not the one who cares for my tank, the girl who does will not be anymore I can assure you) just the salt level was so high, I will have everything checked again this weekend and get the exact readings for you, as far as the ick before the girl did my water change and cleaned my tank there was none and that was just last Wednesday the 22nd of February, it just was like wham it was there.
But I will have complete tests run this weekend.
Thanks to all for your imput.


Active Member
The best thing you can do is learn about your tank for yourself.
No maintenance person will ever be able to care for your fish like you can.