how long before naso tang will eat?


i recieved my shipment from sat. i bought a blonde naso tang along w/a small cleaner crew and a bahama star. all except for a few crabs are doing great. i must say the tang is a beautiful speciman, about 3-4" long. he's been swimming about since i opened the bag, never had the 'lay on his side' symptom. i know its normal for him not to eat for awhile, but how long will this cont. i've offered frozen brine shrimp, blood worms and seaweed select along with flake, but he doent seem interested. any idea how long MR. T will be finicky?:confused:


Give him a week to eat. Try and use garlic to entice him.


i have one i got from swf last year and it already has trailers on the tail, and is over 6 inches long. i got him to eat with marine quisine, and garlic. after that he is eating anything i put in there; whole krill, omega flake, seaweed, and live brine. you will be very happy with the fish


Like Irenicus says give him a week. He is still adjusting and this is perfectly normal behavoir for any type of fish during the first few days at least. Sometimes some fish will eat the first couple days, some take a week or longer. Its not a big deal as of now...if its been 2 weeks then i would start to worry.
Good luck with him!