How long before refugium starts working?


I have had my refugium up for a week now and i still have a fair amount of algea on my rock. I have several species of caulerpa in long before they start working?


Active Member
how long? there are many variables involved, but it will take some time(maybe a month or 2) to regain control,that all depends on how much of a problem youalready have and how well your macros are doin, but
hang in there, it will come
PATIENCE, nothing here happens fast
if you pruneand harvest some of the algae you have in your tank, this may help to speed up the cycle and make sure you have a good alk and calcium in your wate, this will help your macros to flourish, which will more than likely help

nm reef

Active Member
Depends on several factors.....but in the long run you'll be pleased with the added benefits of a refugium.......mine took a few weeks to begin lower nitrates....a little longer for my caulperas to really start growing.......pod population came along also.......after several months virtually no algaes in the display at all and I've recently returned more caulpera to my LFS than I origionally got from them.....along with a $20 credit on my with all things in this hobby...patience....and stabality will produce positive results


have to agree with the previous post as it will take some time. You will need to prune or scrub the excess algae off the rocks/glass in your tank as just lowering the nitrates will not make it go away overnight. when I added my refugium I also took each rock out of the tank and scrubbed them in a bucket of salt water with a brush before putting them back in. alot of work and hassle but I had a pretty severe problem. Now I have only one rock that for some reason has two tuffs of hair algae on it. Doesn't grow or spread but also doesn't go away.


Thanks for the response-
My hair algea is not anywhere near where it used to be. I have some strands that are about .25-.5 inches in some spots but that is the worst of it. Sometimes i think i get to anal with having the tank look perfect.
Thanks again.