We have 3 Camel Back shrimp who are eating our xenias...so we are getting a fish trap to get them out.
If I catch one/many at night, our LFS won't open until 10:00 the next morning, so how long could I keep the shrimp in a cup with tank water?
Stupid us...putting camel back shrimp in with our reef tank...ugh...
The shrimp will live for that long in the cup. Think about how long it takes on the airplane from the ocean to the wholesaler to you! Thats a lot of time in a bag. Dont bang up on yourself...we've all done stupid things just like that. Just gotta remember to do your research!!
also try to keep the water warm becuse sometimes when you do that the water in the cup will fall to usually in the mid 60's depending on the tem of your house
Thanks for the temp reminder...dh's office is usually in the high 70s, so I think it should be OK overnight.
Hubby ordered the shrimp & I thought he had done the research...oops...
One thing you can do is put them in the bucket you have your batch of saltwater in for your weekly waterchange, mix it up ahead of time if you have to.
I totally feel your pain with the camelback. I was sold one once under the pretense that it was a peppermint shrimp. At that time I had never seen a camelback before and thought it was a peppermint. I was so POed when he started chowing down on my dusters but when he went after my 3.5 inch purple duster I took the tank apart and caught him. I took him back to the fish store and found out that the kid that sold it to me was wrong and one of the more experience employees switched me out for a REAL peppermint. The guy seems really annoyed when I told him that the kid sold me the peppermint and it almost cost me my most expensive(and rare) animal in the tank. He himself had never even seen a purple duster that big. Needless to say I never saw that kid working there again.
I wuv my dusters. I have about 14 colored ones in my nano and two coco worms.
I figured it would have to be at night. I rarely see them during the day, but I've caught them twice now with the flashlight when I sneak up at night picking at my xenias. I had a hitchhiker feather duster, but he's gone...I bet they ate him too. ARGH!!!
We have 130lb of live rock, so I'm REALLY hoping I don't have to tear the tank apart...oh my god....