How long can i keep 2 clowns in a tub?


I have my two clowns attacking my new flame hawk. i took out the two clowns and put it in a tub of water from the tank hoping this will help resolve the problem while i also take out other fish that may have made it too crowded.....any help?


I don't know about how long you can keep them in there....i had all my fish in a tub for about 2 hours while i moved and they were alright. I would def put a powerhead and heater in there though. someone else can probably tell you how long they'll be okay without filtration.

extinct 1ne

When my tank broke I had all of my fish in a 5 gallon bucket with a heater and filter. They were in there for a little over a day.


Well-Known Member

Can you rearrange the rock a little? If things look different sometimes it will help curb territorial fish from feeling too at home. It forces everyone to choose new territory.


Active Member
Tub, bucket, or hollowed out turtle shell it doesnt matter.
What matters is water quality and temp.
Most toss in a heater and powehead but it really is not a long term solution to your problem. Juggling from tank to tank is no good for them.
I thought you were scaling back and perm removing the two fish?.


i too one fish back already but i cant catch my chromis. I just took the clowns out so they dont attack the hawk while im doing all this. and when i put them back in they can see that there are less fish which will hopefully ease them up more.


Active Member
Dont count on it.... I dont really think the chromis will make a big difference.
Chromis sort of school and swim as they wander around. A hawk will have perches and have territory staked out. Same as the clowns.
Hopefully they just but heads until one or the other defines the boundries. Neither one will bite the other one in half. They will just chase each other around and pick on one another until who is king gets established. Are they just chasing or really attacking one another?
Usually clowns are the very first to investigate any new addittions. You can try a tank divider as an option. This will hopefully let each side establish thier own space, then when you remove the divider they will hopefully each have safe spots to run back to in the event of issue.


well i took a banggai cardinal out too. They are chasing and try to bite the tail of the hawk.
do you recommend getting an anemone for the clowns to keep them busy?


Active Member
Please take it in stride when I explain that not every tank can have EVERY fish or coral. Each system is thought out for the long term care of these fish, invert, coral, or anything else you are adding.
Just plopping in fish or corals that are desired colors is very irresponsible. This hobby is painfully demanding for patience and has a mean experience curve at times. Local stores will just sell you pretty colored items and swear everything is perfect.
You may have a beast of a clown, or poor rockwork for two different territorial species in the same tank. All sorts of small issues could be present that have nothing to do with the simple answer of "Yep, should be fine" from the local pet shop when they bag up your new fish. (Because Clowns and Hawks ARE compatible if you ask someone) see what I mean...
Do not get discouraged or frustrated. But remember to slow down and really research what you are trying to do. You have a small tank and it sounds like it already has other issues. Water quality, lay out, lighting, and other issues you are working on.
trying to introduce these two fish together and getting them to be tolerent together can take some thought. What have you tried so far for your particular set up?
Bad news is not the end of the world, but trying to just ignore or steamroll somthing because of convenience doesnt work for long in this hobby. It will get figured out, but stop, look, and think before making such changes. Chasing and moving fish sounds simple for now, but break the habit... As when you move into larger or more particular fish combinatins or system configurations it can do a lot of harm to play bull in a china shop with your mini ocean you are growing..


well i got 30lbs of rock in my 28, i moved some rock around to make them not seem like home anymore when i put them back in. I honeslty dont know what else to do or try. Just hoping they get along.....the clowns have never attacked any other new fish added after them...


Originally Posted by tonynader
well i got 30lbs of rock in my 28, i moved some rock around to make them not seem like home anymore when i put them back in. I honeslty dont know what else to do or try. Just hoping they get along.....the clowns have never attacked any other new fish added after them...
..and also do you think since i put the clowns in that tub for a couple hours and moved around the rock work a little bit...would that also help?


Active Member
Yes I do think it should help if the change is large enough. Not just small modifications, but really change it. Even if you dont like it. Use the radical new design to confuse everyone, then change it back in a month.
You can further try moving the rocks to have separate sides facing differently in the tank. More of a large natural divider.
Hopefully making a large change to the rockwork should confuse them enough for an easy re-introduction. Some chasing might still happen but it should be more to chase someone off. Not to corner and kill one another.
A great place to start.