How long do I wait to introduce Corals?


what are actinics? and what is moon lighting? I am a dumb newbie...
what are the lights that light up some of the corals and anemones to look fluorescent?


Active Member

Originally posted by paulcoates
what are actinics? and what is moon lighting? I am a dumb newbie...
what are the lights that light up some of the corals and anemones to look fluorescent?

Actinics are are type of floresence lights, there fine for fish and live rock, and mushrooms. and they have worked for me with my soft corals so far... But Meatl Halides are the best there are just really expensive. there the ones that really make your tank look good too. Moon lights come on at night and are a blue color, they simulate the moonlight, and help some corals spawn. also supposed to relax the fish. todd


Active Member
lol, i think that would be prety nice set of lights. Now you wont be able to keep clams and a few different corals succsefully with those, but you should be able to keep a lot of beautifull soft corals and mushrooms, and anenomies. NOw im by no means an expert, and theres a lot of different opinions on here, so listen to everybody, and then do what you feal the most comfortable with and can afford. This hobby is soo addictive, and i would hate to tell you something that killed anything you have, most of what i know i learned here and have done with my own expensive expierence. . That said i like those lights, and i think a lot of people start out with those to get them started up and then you could alway add a spot meatl halide, where it would only cover half your tank, or something like that. damn, ill be quiet now..


So, will these 220 watts in lights that come with it be sufficient, or should I get higher powered bulbs?
I'd hate to see this guy die


Active Member
in my opinion they would do good with it, I could be wrong, but i ve seen them live in less light than that. I think the stronger the light the better they do, to an extent. Todd


Active Member
whats AIM ??? and by the way my brother has the same job you have, he lives out in Las Vegas. just wanted to through that in there. lol Todd


Active Member
I will tell you though you should get more live rock, or get some base rock that will eventually turn into live rock. about twice as much as you have now. todd


Another thing, I don't see a skimmer, you might want to seriously think about a good one.


Active Member
Damn good point Xo, i always forget about that one:notsure: , Since i added mine my water is soo much better quality. Todd


Active Member
You should not leave your lights on all the time....that screws with the biology of animals. Your lights as they stand are just the wrong one's to have, so leaving them on longer, I am afraid, will not help. Even different normal output bulbs (something like a 10k and an actinic, or 50/50 bulbs) would be better than the current one's you have from the sound of it.


How long do I have with my current lighting conditions until these anemone die? I am looking at buying a actinic/lunar/compact combination... Can you (or anyone else) suggest something?


New Member
I'd give the anenomes a month.
Maybe try to fiddle with the rock work and get them up closer to the light. The rock work is pretty bad asthetically anyway the way it is now. Perhaps double up the light to one side of the tank. Untill you can rectify the situation.
As far as introducing corals. I"ve had my tank 3 years+ now. I am only beginning to feel that I am at a point that I could fiddle with some mushrooms and/or colt coral. There is so much out there to learn.
Your situation right now shows that you are not ready for corals. Time, $$, and research will get you to that point. That, point however, is frustratingly a ways off.


New Member
".. im not no expert but i have read that u sould not add corals to a tank unless u have coraline algea that u have grown to be at least the size of a dollar coin... to grow coraline u need decent lighting and water.. soo.. therefore.. no cotoaline algea = no coral..."
Most people use the corraline algae the size of a dime, quarter,dollar whatever to indicate that the system has matured and stabilized to the point that adding coral would be feasable.
The rock work is pretty bad asthetically anyway the way it is now.
aesthetics is in the eye of the beholder....If you like it leave it. Personally I think it looks better than some of my attempts.