how long do skimmers last?


Active Member
I have my eye on a year old:
PCI PS 3000 skimmer
$100, and he said it still runs great. I wouldn't mind a used skimmer, not like after a month they aren't dirty anyways. And $100 seems like a good price for a skimmer rated past 400gal.
I just don't want to buy a skimmer used...and have it near the end of its life.


Active Member
I don't know anything about that particular skimmer, but they generally last quite a while. You should be able to get at least another year out of it (if not more) if it is still in good condition.

naclh2o nut

Look it up on google and see if you can still get parts. If so then the skimmer will last aslong as you replace the moving parts that wear and tear. If it is working now then it sounds like a good price.


Active Member
I would inspect it VERY carefully to make sure that there are no cracks or stress lines in the acrylic. I looked it up online and it seems like a decent skimmer. If it works really well it might overskim your tank. Most skimmers are not rated for actual water volume (ie coralife skimmers) thats why most people will tell you to get a skimmer rated at double your tank volume. However IMO GOOD skimmers should be rated at about your tank volume for best results. I think for 100 bucks if it's in good shape it should be ok.


Active Member
most skimmers can last for decades if you take good care of them. for the most part the only moving part in the skimmer if the pump so if you keep replacing the pump it should keep working.


Active Member
it's all about the pump. that's the only thing that fails. unless of course, the acrylic is broken. a good quality pump should last multiple years. does it come with a pump? what brand/model pump is it?


Yep as stated. The skimmer body should last forever if not broke. The pump is the only really to go on a skimmer. Also as far as over skimming I don't see that being a problem with your setup and that skimmer IMO.


Active Member
good to hear. He said he would bring it by just in case I did want it after all. Its this Sunday that he is dropping by my lights, and if I want the skimmer too...$100 extra. I told him I was committed to the lights, but I wanted to consider the skimmer carefully. I suppose all I really have to do is plug it into the sump...doesn't hurt it to have fresh water run through it a few min does it?
And when I do that...what in particular should I be looking at?
sounds or leaks of any kind I should consider?