How Long Does It Take a Tank to Cycle?


Active Member
Just curious. I am planning to have about 160lbs of live rock and 180lbs of live sand in my 125g.


Some people say it takes about a month.
Mine cycled rather quickly because of all the rock and sand I added. Plus we did the damsel add mistake.
We had a tang in place in about 1 week and he was ok and our Nitrates stayed rather low the whole time, even after adding the fish.
Others will tell you a month, but just check your ammonia, Nitrites, and nitrates.


Active Member
The die-off from the rock, ghost feeding, and raw shrimp are great ways of kickstarting the cycle. My 55 cycled in about two weeks, but usually a few weeks to a month is the average. Make sure to test frequently to make sure that the tank has actually cycled.