How long does it take for a RBTA to split?


How long does it take for a RBTA to split? Mine looks like it may be splitting? Some days it is inflated then the next day it’s deflated. My water is good. We do a weekly water change of 10% or more. :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


Inflating and deflating is normal. There is no set schedule for splitting for any anemone that I know of. It simply happens when it is ready.
If you would like to encourage it some feed it two or three times per week, but you also need to have proper lighting.
Good luck


I have the 4 foot coralife light that has two 250 watt HQI and two 96 watt PC. It is hard to see but it looks like I can see the rock through the anemone’s mouth. I have to move my tank soon and would like to know how long it takes them to split so I don’t stress it out to much when I have to move it.


Time length for splitting can vary. Usually if all goes right it simply happens overnight. Some have trouble and can seem to be splitting for days, and if it goes to long they can die.


Active Member
With my experience, there really no tell tell signs that an anemone is about to split except on the day its going to do it.
Mine has spit 3 times in 5 years ( around this time of the year ) and each time during the day it will move back behind its rock and during that night it splits.
Next day or so they move back out in front for the light and takes a week or two to heal up nice.
Maybe others act different. IDK