how long does it take for sand to settle?

i finally got sand yesturday and put in in my tank its not live sand its marine subtrates. i was woundering how long it will take to settle in my tank and also do i need to have the filter running because i turned it off? Ohh and will this make the nitrates or nitrites spike?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Yes run filter, if there is a prefilter you'll want to change it after it has settled. As for time depends on how well you rinsed it b4 putting it into your tank. And since it wasn't live sand it shouldn't have any effect on the Nitrates or Nitrites. May want to check anyways just to make sure.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Sorry not up on all types of filters. Ok if it has some type of sponge or floss it needs to be rinsed off or changed, after the water has cleared. Good Luck

mr. limpid

Active Member
Sorry went to lunch.
What kind of sand is it? The kind like live sand just not? Do you have any live rock in your tank? Is this the same tank as your other post 80gal?

mr. limpid

Active Member
basically there is nothing to care for with sand. But after time the sand will build up with detrus a by product of bacteria. there are criters that will eat this like snails & crabs. They will also help to keep the top layer clean of algae growth. If you go to the site to the left "inverts" look up clean up crew this will list the criters i'm talking about. And remember to QT everything b4 you put it into your DT.

mr. limpid

Active Member
QT is quarantine tank used to hold criters and fish b4 they go into your DT display tank. Please read the thread at the top of the New Hobbyist form and then go the Disease form and read the top two threads they will be very help full.