How long does it take for your frags to recover?


I fragged a few corals yesterday at work. I brought the home, glued them to some rock and put them in the tank. Today my green star polyp frag havent opened up at all and dont look like they are recovering at all... how much time do they need to recover?


Active Member
Depends on the coral, some recover almost immediately (within an hours) others can take several days.
Green star polyps, although hardy and spread like wildfire, in my experience are relatively slow to recuperating from fragging.


Active Member
I do not think it is an issue to worry about yet.
I accidentally smashed
a chunk of green star polyps while cuting them to frag. About a week later they where growing like crazy again . Just took a couple of days for them to open again.


when they are closed up, how light colored are yours? I think mine are bleached but I think there looked like that before I fragged them and they were healthy... I cant remember!


heres the status of all my frags.... fragged last nite around 8pm.
green zoos #1 - first to open, looks like it made a complete recovery, but still is recovering its green which is due to the crappy excuse for reef lighting at *****
green zoos #2 - these are smaller zoos with a brighter green center than the other zoos. They were in terrible shape before I fragged them, they were covered in black hair algae and were also under some pretty crappy lights. I could barely tell that they were alive. They seem to be getting better by the hour. they arent open but they look healthier.
Galaxea - This frag is doing the best. I think it looks 10x better than before I fragged it. It has a REALLY long sweeper tentacle. Its about 5 inches. the frag is only 2 inches!
yellow button polyps - not doing as well as I expected. I assumed they would be open and thriving in an hour or two. there are 2 or 3 that have opened up a little but most of the heads are staying closed.
Star polyps - No changes. I cant tell if they are bleaching or just a light color.


Active Member
my star polyps always look black with little to no green on them after i frag them or they shut for a few days. they color back up in a day or tow.
i had a rock covered in gsp, i really needed to get rid of them so i took the rock aout and was cutting big chunks off with a knife and razor blade. i then scrubed a bunch of it off with a tooth brush. that was like 4 or 5 days ago, i thought i got all of them off, but now theres a bunch popping up where i guess i missed some tissue. it sux because i wanted them all gone, but it gives you an idea of how hardy these guys are.


how long do you think I can leave them out of the water? I think I left mine out for 3-5 min tops...


Active Member
Originally Posted by A2hotz
how long do you think I can leave them out of the water? I think I left mine out for 3-5 min tops...
There is no need to be in a hurry when you frag; you can leave them out for a couple of hours with no ill effect.


green zoos #1 - dont seem to be as green as they were...? anyone know why theyd lose color? theyre in a better enviroment with more light!
is there such things as brown star polyps? on some other gravel I brought home, there are things that are simalarly shaped as star polyps but they are brown and smaller. any one have ideas?
and no theyre not aptasia.
Dont worry those are extremely hardy corals and will recover. I have gotten Plate coral buds, and Zoos, that where in a cooler with just a heater and powerhead for about a week(Guy was moving) and they opened up great, It takes time, no worries :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Depends on the coral, some recover almost immediately (within an hours) others can take several days.
Green star polyps, although hardy and spread like wildfire, in my experience are relatively slow to recuperating from fragging.


Active Member
Originally Posted by A2hotz
how long do you think I can leave them out of the water? I think I left mine out for 3-5 min tops...
When I was setting up my reef i bought a piece of LR with brown button polyps and one with purple shrooms from a LFS thats almost 45mins. away. The guy put them in a bag with no water and they both recovered. in fact, i am haveing problems with both of them crowding other corals... :thinking: