How long does it take you to fill 5 gal with your RO System


New Member
HOLY CRAP I just had a buddy give me his Whirlpool RO System for free and DAMN it seriously takes FOREVER to fill up a 5 gallon jug of water! I fill it up as much as I can and then when the RO tank is empty I have wait another hour or so the fill it up some more, then wait, fill it up, then wait etc.. Damn this is crazy! Does anyone else have this problem or is there just something wrong with this system? It's all brand new filters and stuff and the system seems to be working fine other than it takes FOREVER to fill up a lousy 5 gallon jug!


Yep... it takes a long time. Nothing you can really do about it other than wait and plan ahead and store some water. I like to keep 15 gallons of filtered water on hand for top off and/or water changes. I would guess, 2-3 hours for 5 gallons of RO/DI water for my system, maybe longer, haven't stuck around long enough to figure it out.


Active Member
i keep a 55 gallon drum full. it takes me about 24 hours to fill a 55 gallon drum.


It really depends on what kind of a system you have. Mine is a 75 gallon per day RO/DI unit. It takes me 20 minutes to fill a one gallon container.

System type,(3,4,or 5 stage) temperature of water, condition of filters, (new or used) all play a part in how fast your system fills.
And more food for thought:
For every gallon of RO/DI water I produce 3 to 4 gallons of water goes down the drain.
( Or you could save it and water the lawn with it!)

aztec reef

Active Member
It depends on alot of factors as mentioned, but Generally it takes about an hour to filter 5gallons on average..As suggested above it is ideal to filter at least twice the amount of water needed, for every ro/di use..
U never know when u might need a little extra fresh ro/di, such as for top-offs..


takes me around 8 hours to fill my 32 gallon can i keep filled.
And around an 45 mins to fill a 5 gallon jug.


Mine's slow. It takes me about 3 hours to fill a 5gal bucket. But I have a 25gal container that I fill overnight, this way I always have water on hand if I need it.


Active Member
It took me about a week to fill my 60g. No i did not leave it running for about a week but We did turn it on and for of morning and night


Active Member
the first 2.5 gallons takes about 10mins (the system has a reservior that holds several gallons lol) but the last 2.5g takes another 2 or 3hrs. all I know is from the time I get home from work at 8am to the time my wife comes home at 5:30pm I'm usually able to fill up 10 gallons which is about the most I'm ever going to be able to do in a day.. thats why I keep a 35 gallon tub in the garage to store water in. take 10g out for a water change, put 10g in the next day or so. I always keep at least 20 gallons (or about half full), you never know when somethings going to come up.