How long for salt mix


New Member
Just set up my first SW tank. It will be a 20 gal FOWLR. Added LS and filled with distilled water. Used IO salt and by their instruction 1/2 cup per gal. It took 16 gal to fill so I used 8 cups of IO. Stirred in salt and ran it overnight with 2 Penguin 660 powerheads.
Used Deep Six tester this afternoon and sg is only 1.018. I did season the tester as instructed. I don't want to add salt mix beyond what is required. Any suggestions?


if your tank will be a fish only tank then it's fine if it's going to be a reef tank than add more salt.
that 1/2 cup per gal for IO salt will get you to were you are 1.018


Active Member
As long as you are just starting to set up/cycle let it go for a day and check again tomorrow it takes a "little" while for salt to completely mix and stabilize the sg.
The 1/2cup/gal is an approximate mix and your hydrometer may be a tad off, so I wouldn't worry at this point.
I'd give it a few days to stabilize the temp. (what is your temp?), the salt to dissolve and the sand to settle. Then test again, you may have to add more salt and/or top off water.
Once the cycle is finished (ammonia and nitrItes 0) and you add fish you will want to be able to keep the sg stabilized.


New Member
Temp is running between 78-80 right now. The tank got up to 82 this afternoon and I have got the heater unplugged! It's actually hard to keep it cooler in SW Florida today. I'll check the sg in the morning.