I have it under MH lighting. 4.5 watts per gallon. They go on at 9am and off at 9:30 pm.
Also got plenty of random water movement. Got around 17x turnover total.
I do weekly 10% water changes without fail. I also regularly test the water to make sure it is pristine. My nitrates are never higher than 1.0 as I have a low-range test kit. Most of the time they are zero. pH 8.3, Alk ~10dkh, Ca low 400's,
I have plenty of LR, live sand, a fuge running macroalgae and mangroves to remove waste. I also always have a carbon filter running.
As for feeding, it picks up scraps that I feed the rest of the tank. It usually gets a few small peices every night. I only target feed it about once every two or three weeks. then it usually gets a few small slices of Formula One or a few small chunks of my custom slurry blend.
Small, thin chunks are the key I think. Easy to break down and digest. I found that when I gave it larger, thick chunks much of the chunk ended up getting expelled a few days later undigested. With the smaller ones this does not happen. It always gets a variety of foods. With the formula one and my slurry, this is not a problem. They are easy to dissolve and break down too. I think this makes for quick, easily available nutrition.
This is my FIRST and ONLY anemone that I have owned. I am planning another tank to house a carpet right now. The halides come in this week and I will be building the hood next weekend. Leak testing the tank now. Once it is set up and fully cycled, then I will buy the anemone and send it to QT.
I have only ever lost two corals in my tank. One was a large colt that died suddenly without warning. No idea why. :notsure: The other was a small xenia frag that my coral beauty thought was lunch. He has left every other coral alone so I don't know why he liked this one. I have never lost a fish to disease either!!
For my "secrets" of success in not just anemone keeping, but coral and fish keeping, I'll tell you:
1. Research, research and research BEFORE buying ANYTHING! Know what it needs, what it is compatable with, what it is not compatable with, feeding....EVERYTHING!! Dont' get your information from only one source too, get it from as many as you can! I have read 10 or 12 books on reefs, corals, inverts, you name it. I have read THOUSANDS of posts on three different boards. NEVER IMPULSE BUY!!!
2. Quarantine!!!!! If it is wet, it gets a quarantine!!!! Fish, corals, inverts, and even rocks!! (live sand would be the only exception to this) Most everything is in QT for 4 weeks. That is 4 weeks of total health! If it is diseased and gets treated, the clock does not start until it is disease free! Does not have to be an elaborate setup. Just a simple 10-gallon tank with a sponge filter, a HOT filter, heater and a small light. Even anemones can survive a few weeks under a 65w PC light in a 10 gallon tank. Never lost anything to disease, and not going to start now! IMO, there is no such thing as a "reef safe" treatment for disease. In QT, I can treat it appropriately without treating something unnecessairly. Think about it, if one of your family members gets a cold, do you give everyone including the baby medication? Do you give them all the same dose? Of corse not!! Fish and corals are the same way. each needs a specific treatment for a specific illness.
3. Quarantine!!!! Can't emphasize this enough.
Well, time to get off my soapbox.
Help this helps everyone.