How Long Has Everyone Had Their Blue Linkias Before They Die?!


well i was just wondering how long everyone has had their linkia's before they die. i have had mine since Wednesday after school. i know it's a bit morbid but i am just wondering how much time appr. i have left before the poor thing *might* die, i am saying might because as i have read on these posts, anything can happen and even though my chances are not good i am still trying to keep up my hopes! so whats the norm? 3 days? a month?



Originally posted by microman2k
well i was just wondering how long everyone has had their linkia's before they die. i have had mine since Wednesday after school. i know it's a bit morbid but i am just wondering how much time appr. i have left before the poor thing *might* die, i am saying might because as i have read on these posts, anything can happen and even though my chances are not good i am still trying to keep up my hopes! so whats the norm? 3 days? a month?

If it makes it a month then it should be ok, that is if you have a large enough tank (say 100 gals) and its mature (more then a year)
I had mine for 3 years...
Reaserch BEFORE you buy


New Member
I have had mine about a year now. No problems at still has a nice thick rounded body and moves around the tank a good bit.


I only could keep one for 2 weeks. I acclimated it for almost 5 hours. The 1st week it roamed around everywhere and looked healthy. Then it started to die, and my evil blue legs finished it off. I got a marble a month ago and it's doing great! Wish I never got the blue linkia though. I have an established tank and it didn't matter. :nope: