how long has it been with these t5 of mine!!!!


Active Member
my t5 keeps flickering!!!! this is what i have to do!
every morning i have to turn on and turn off the t5 and keep doing that for a while like 3 times. it will be flickering all those 3 times! then i dont touch it till like 2 or 3 and they will turn on like nothing!!!!
but the other day before i took it to the lfs they were flickering and everything! then once i took them to the lfs they turn on like a snap at like 12:30 or so.
i called many places and they said i had to much stuff plug in the wall. but that cant be it cause i moved the t5 every were in my house and it will still flicker!!!!
i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what do you guys think????? ballast???? whack fixture!!!! does anyone have a used ballast laying around...


Let me get this straight....They flicker EVERYWHERE in your house.....BUT NOT at the LFS????


Active Member
yes... well like i said if i turn them on and off in the morning then in the afternoon they turn on like nothing!!!!
and the day i took it to the lfs they were on like nothing but before i took it i was turning it on and off like at 10:30 and at 12:30 they turn at the lfs


Can you take them to a neighbors, plug them in, and let them run for a few hours to see what they do?
How long did you plug them in at the LFS????
This really makes no sense....IN the morning they the afternoon they don't????


Active Member
Call the company and see if they will replace it...could be bad internal ballast I guess... Mine only flickered right before it blew one of my lights, and only that light was flickering. BTW did it flicker before you placed those new bulbs in it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Can you take them to a neighbors, plug them in, and let them run for a few hours to see what they do?
How long did you plug them in at the LFS????
This really makes no sense....IN the morning they the afternoon they don't????
thats what i said. ill try and take a video. and i didnt leave them long. the guy just got it and plug them in and BAM bright!!!! like nothing. yet if i do that to my house no!!!! they wont turn on! they will flicker!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by luvmyreef
Call the company and see if they will replace it...could be bad internal ballast I guess... Mine only flickered right before it blew one of my lights, and only that light was flickering. BTW did it flicker before you placed those new bulbs in it?
i called and they said too much stuff connected on the wall like what the lfs told me


Active Member
Then try plugging it in to the microwave outlet and see. Could be it's trying to pull too much from your standard outlet. Does that make sense? I'm not an electrician, but you never know. Why does this upgrade put words twice when there only typed once????


Active Member
true will see. they told me its pulling me 4amps. idk how much my normal outlet gives. what i dont get is that my MH with the PC combo wasnt doing this at all!!!!!


Active Member
r all the bulbs flickering? or just one or two? if its all the bulbs, my guess its either bad ballast or loose wire or connection inside the fixture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
r all the bulbs flickering? or just one or two? if its all the bulbs, my guess its either bad ballast or loose wire or connection inside the fixture.
well what i did was what the guy told me. blow hot air in it and right after that they turn on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so what i did was add acrylic and clean the light really well. i do have to replace the endcaps anyway. could that be it????