How long has your tank been setup?


Active Member
Curious to see the answer to this is - seems like the hobby is taking off - thanks to web sites like this. I bet a lot will be less than 1 year.


Depends on which tank we're talking about...

The 175 has been set up for almost 5 years and the 120 has been set up 5 months.


Active Member
90g has been set up for 12 years. I took a hiatus from the hobby during college, but left the tank set up as a FOWLR. I belive that this long time contributed to my recent success.


New Member
I've had mine for about 4 months now. I've wanted a saltwater tank for a while, but I didn't really want to put a tank in an apartment. So, a couple of months after I bought my house, I bought my tank.


my tanks are 6,5 and 4 monthes old but i have several fish and corals, that i've had of about years.


My 75 has been 6 months but some of the livestock and came from my 29 before I upgraded tanks. Still have the first fish and corals I bought.


Active Member
I ordered a 220, should be in next week...:D
And I'm putting water in my 54 corner this weekend...:jumping:
Oh yeah, I got a couple others that have been running for a bit now.