How long have you been into this hobby?


Fresh Water - Never
Salt Water Reef - 9 Months
The wife decided she needed a hobbie. She never had an aquarium before. So she went out and bought a 75 gallon and everything to set up a reef. Now I think I'm more hooked on it than she is. I can't believe everything I've learned since we set it up. Most of it from here on SFC.


Active Member
not nearly long enough, that is for sure. still learning everyday.
working on 3 yrs, i think(this hobby is so involving, i loose track of time)


Fresh water, 14 years, just started salt last week ~ all's well so far.
Perseverance furthers...So does a full tank of gas.


My very first tank was a 10 gallon FW, and I kept that runnin for about 6 months before I got tired of the IMO ugly FW fish. So I then started up a 20 gal SW, which got me hooked. I've been keeping SW fish for about 4 years now, and I love it more everyday. :D


Active Member
Freshwater 1 year. Then realized it was hardly as attractive as salt...
now salt FOWLRs and Reefs for 4 yrs. Not a lengthy time, but I have a ways to go. :cool:


Not long enough to know everything I need to know! :D
I got my first freshwater tank at 10 years old. That was 27 years ago. I have not been without at least one tank and as many as 15 since then. Currently I have only two tanks. A 40 gallon freshwater and my 180 saltwater.


Active Member
Since about 1977 or so with pa's new 10 gallon fresh water tank...amazing what something at a young age can turn into.