How long in QT? Help!


I bought a LMB last Sat. He has been in my 10g QT since then.
How long should I keep him in there? I know 3 weeks is the recommended QT time but he eats algae and he doesn't seem to be eating the spirolina flakes I have added. I have placed a piece of live rock from my main in there with some algae but I haven't seen him "banging his head" on that either.
He seems healthy after a week and I haven't seen any ick. I hate to rush him into my main but I want him to have some food options.
Any advice? Has anyone else QT'd a lawnmower blennie? Am I taking a chance if I add him to my main after only a week and a half?
Advice please...


I appreciate the response.
I had previously read the QT post. It clearly says "minimum 3 weeks."
Thats why I posted this Q. I guess then my question is specifically... will he starve in 3 weeks?
Should I be watching him more closely to see if he's eating? Is the live rock from the main enough?
Or might I cut it short. I am not opposed to going the 3 weeks, I just don't want to starve him.


Active Member
Many times lawnmower blennies are picky eaters when they first get added to a tank. They are just not used to spirulina.
I kept my lawnmower blenny in quarantine for 3 weeks. I did have an overgrowth of algae on my PVC pipe pieces and the walls which helped. I saw the fish eat this but nothing else. It also only hid while it was in the QT. Now the thing eats anything and is quite fat (and not as shy).
The concern here is that poor eating is also sometimes a sign of disease. If your LFS sells plants you might get some to feed the fish until it adjusts to your tank.


Ok, he stays in QT for another week and a half.
I got some algae sheets this morning. I cut a piece and have it on a magnet in the QT. Hopefully he will eat soon!


Staff member
Try putting the magnet with the sheets lower down, or even wedging the sheet into the rocks/decorations/pvc [whatever you are using in the QT. A tank will go for a sheet waving on the glass but a lmb may not. How does he look? Any signs of ich at all?