how long is acclimation process?


how many days/weeks/months must pass before you can safely feel a fish, say a butterfly, has safely gotten past the acclimation stage of being added to the new tank? i've read where alot of fish are hard to acclimate, but once acclimated, can live for many years.


acclimating them to the tank is only a few hours but when you know they are doing well is by watching them closely and they start eating regualrly and being active ( some arent as active as others.)as far as how long till you dont have to worry about them I dont think that ever goes away they are in an enviroment that you control. and a lot of things can go wrong so you have to watch them closely to make sure everything is alright all the time. IMO


i agree with you michael, you cant just say,"ok he he's eating, so i dont have to worry about anything". i've just read on several types of fish 'difficult to acclimate to aquarium, but once acclimated, will do very well in aquarium'. my dot-dash butterfly, added yesterday, is very active, even continued swimming back and forth after lights out and was swimming before lights on this morning. he wants to eat, i just have to find out what he really likes. i put some frozen food(krill or clam?) that the foxface and green chomis loves. he would take some in and spit it out. i guess it just wasnt his taste. he ate some flake food and some frozen brine shrimp. i put in some seaweed select, but the pig foxybrown ate it all before the bf could finish acclimation period. also when i walk up to the tank, he hides and by the time he comes out the other fish are well on their way to eating it all. i guess when he's more comfortable he may not hide at feeding time.


yeah the skidishness will slowly go away in time. what you might try is to add more in a couple of different places in the tank so he might have a fair chance at getting some before its all gone.