How long must you wait?


My new tank is two months old. How long must I wait until I put a coral in it? I do know I have to have the lighting right. My lfs said the tank should be at least a year old before adding a coral. Is this right do you think? What about an anemone? The water seems to be fine.


Everybody has a different opinion. My last tank (120 that I started 2 years ago): I circulated it for one week before I added the live rock. I let it go through the brown algae stage (about another 2 weeks) before I started adding inverts. I had nothing die. Others might suggest different, but I had no problems.


Yes, I do still have some icky brown algae. So I'll wait for it to leave. Also I have a small mass of brownish gell looking stuff on one rock that I would really like to know what it is.


Is it slimy? You might have cyanobacteria..and it can spread like fire. I it is caused by high levels of phosphates, silicates..The best way to get rid of it is first not to add any more water pollutants..Use RO water or better yet RO/DI water..You can buy a good filter for under 200 bucks and it will save you a lot of problems in the long run..Phosphates and silicates can also cause alot of other algae problems like hair algae ..That can take over your tank and cover everything..Also if you have fish cut back on the food as it too can contain phosphates.There are some medications to rid the tank of the cyano but IMHO that is only like applying a bandage to the wound ..It won't take care of the source of the problems and it will more than likely come back..A good skimmer will also help alot by taking the excess "stuff" out of the water. Do you have a test kit for phosphates and silicates..also nitrates..??You can test your water before and after it is put in the tank..Before adding any corals you should probably get that taken care of and add a cleaning crew to help curb andy diatom blooms or unwanted algae in the tank..
To answer you first question..After the tank has cycled and the diatom bloom is run it's course you should be able to add a few hardy corals..but make sure all your levels read zero..Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates..