How long should I wait?


How long should I wait before adding corals and fish? And what else should I put in the tank besides the LR and sand for start up?


Active Member
How long has it been? Do you have your clean up crew in place, are you filters up and running, and how is your lighting. I assume these are all things that you are already taking care of. How does your water test, is your tank done cycling? Start slow and build gradually, patience is the key to a successful fish tank. Especially saltwater. If your tank has cycled, and your readings are great, then you can start adding your clean up crew. When you have done this and you have fed them for a few days, check your parameters again. if they are still in check, wait a week, test again, then start thinking of adding a few other small things. It is important that your tank has cycled before you start adding things to it, it will save you trouble in the end


Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
How long has it been? Do you have your clean up crew in place, are you filters up and running, and how is your lighting. I assume these are all things that you are already taking care of. How does your water test, is your tank done cycling? Start slow and build gradually, patience is the key to a successful fish tank. Especially saltwater. If your tank has cycled, and your readings are great, then you can start adding your clean up crew. When you have done this and you have fed them for a few days, check your parameters again. if they are still in check, wait a week, test again, then start thinking of adding a few other small things. It is important that your tank has cycled before you start adding things to it, it will save you trouble in the end
How long does it usually take to cycle? What are the signs that has done cycling out?


Active Member
The tank is done cycling when the ammonia and nitrite levels spike and then drop back down to zero. Could take between a few weeks to a couple months.


Originally Posted by patandlace
The tank is done cycling when the ammonia and nitrite levels spike and then drop back down to zero. Could take between a few weeks to a couple months.
Thanks for your help!!