How long should lights be on?


New Member
We have 12g Nanocube that's 4 months old. Everything seems to be doing ok but I have a question on how long do you leave your lights on during the day? Right now I have them coming on at 1:00pm till 10:00pm. and then they go off. I've been seeing alot about moon lites and I do have that on my tank. Should I be turning these lights on when the others go off?Do you leave these on all night then? Are these lights that came with the tank enough or should we be getting something else for the tank?Any info on this would be appreciated-we are very new to this!


Active Member
"Right now I have them coming on at 1:00pm till 10:00pm. and then they go off."
That is fine. My lights are on 11 hours per day.
"I've been seeing alot about moon lites and I do have that on my tank. Should I be turning these lights on when the others go off?"
Yes, when your normal lights go off, the lunars come on.
"Do you leave these on all night then?"
Yes, that is what I, and most others, do.
"Are these lights that came with the tank enough or should we be getting something else for the tank?"
What ligths came with the tank?