how long to age saltwater?


how long do people age there saltwater mix b efore adding it to their tanks.
thanks in advance.


Active Member
I mix mine the day before I do a water change and let a PH run in it to keep it oxygenated.


Active Member
Yep me too,
Mix night before, heater and powerhead ... sometimes an airstone if more than one bucket. Minor S.G. adjustment if necessary and in it goes the next morning.


I usually mix mine a couple days in advance, sometimes it is only a day in advance. I keep 2 power heads in it. (I mix 30 gal at once) In the winter I keep a heater in it also. Since it is summer and very HOT here in Arizona, I mix it 3 days in advance then after it has been mixing with the powerheads for 24 hours, I put it back into my water containers to bring into the house to cool down to room temp. I keep the mixing container in the garage, the water was 100 degrees last night. So I have to do something to cool it down, other wise I would have some pouched fishy's. :mad: With a severe case of ICK, that is if they survived. :eek:


from what i have read you should age the water for a few days before adding it. i usualy age for 1 week then add the water. we also have a heat problem here so the water has to be acclimated to the right temperature, the only thing is that this can change the gravity especially if the water goes to 100 f!
thanks to all for the info.


Active Member
I change around 22 gallons in my 90 gallon every month. I use a tapwater purifier that usually takes about 2 hours to filter the 22 gallons. No big deal because I'm doing other things while that is occurring. I add Instant Ocean salt, mix, get salinity right and check PH. I then drain my water from my tank and add the mixed water immediately. From the time I get through mixing my new water, it's in my tank within 30 minutes.
I did this for a few months before I knew about waiting a day or so I know it is probably not the best way and I don't recommend it. If I knew you should wait, I would have done that from the start. But I have done this every month since Sept 2000 and so far, no problems. No ick, never lost any fish and everyone is out and about immediately after the change and seems happy. I have had one case of ick in the past year but it was due to a new fish stressing out when I added it to the tank.
Again, I agree that it is better to wait a day or so, but so far this has worked fine for me.