How long to cycle?


I have a 10 gal nano that I just set up. I put 8 lb of LR in right away then 8 more two or three weeks later. I only tested periodically but I know that the first cycle due to the initial LR was almost done when I added the rest (am ~0 nitrItes .3). I haven't really tested with the second batch. I decided about two days after I added the rest of the LR to put a dead shrimp in to create a really good cycle since all I have is time. It has been three days since and I tested last night and Am was 0. Could it have gone through the ammonia stage that quickly? Could it be due to it cycling a little bit before? Has the cycle not begun?


My guess is if the shrimp has been in there a couple of days, you have probably got a good amount of bacteria and the amm, and trites could both be 0. You would just have an abundance of nitrates that most people would recommend a water change to get rid of. I would say report those numbers and it should be easy to tell.


I did not have time to test for the trItes last night. Once I do that it should be tell tale. I don't have a trAtes test but will be getting one soon. I just figured while I was at work and wondering about it, I would hazard a question to see if it was possible that it could cycle that quickly if it had cycled some already. Also should I remove the shrimp or let it decay? Just wondering.


If you find out that your tank has trites and trates, I would go ahead and remove the shrimp since you would have already cycled. If not, then I would leave it in there and make sure you see some ammonia pop up somewhere.
I added rock in 2 separate stages while cycling like you and my second cycle was really fast. First cycle took almost 4 weeks while second cycle was done in less than 1 week. I definitely think you could have just had another mini cycle that could almost be over. You will really want to make sure you get that NitrAte test. After you cycle and nitrItes are down to 0, you really won't ever have to test for them again unless you have some MAJOR problems where your whole tank is cycling again. In the Nitrogen cycle, nitrItes should always be at 0. Just do your PH, ammonia and NitrAte tests periodically. Of course if you have corals or anything needed supplements like Iodine or Calcium, you will need those test too.
Good luck.