how long to establish bioballs?


Active Member
Decided to finally spend the money and get a nice sized wet/dry bioball filter for my tank. I currently have my Emperor BioWheel unit still attached, until the bioballs establish themselves. How long to biological filtration and I can remove the biowheel? Can't really risk removing it until the balls are ready. Too much to lose. I don't have another tank to use to establish the filter on its own.
Could really use some tips.
Also, a customer at my LFS says bioballs are ich magnets. Ever hear of such a thing?


Ick magnets, bio balls are Ick magnets, HAHAAAHAAAHAAA - Nope hadn't heard that one before but I'll add it to the list of bathroom wall saying about bio balls.
Lets see if I have your questons right:
How long does it take, in an established aquariurm, to grow the benifical bacteria on an object like bio balls?
Certainly no longer that the average cycle period, and most likely less. I would figure after two weeks that they are establishing themsleves very well, but as in most things the more time you give it the better.
Bio balls can eventually get dirty, and will need some maintainence, clean a couple of good handfuls in some ro water and replace.
P.S. I don't have your stapler but, could I borrow your letter opener?


Active Member
If you are in no rush leave them a month or so.
Nitrate factory perhaps he meant.