How long to get rid of "ICK"?


I am so tired of these diseases. I moved fish from my 55 gallon to my 175 gallon because my new imperator was sick. I have now noticed that the 2 fish I moved spread ick to my 175 even though they didn't show and still don't show signs of ick. Now I have an ick breakout in both the 175 and 55. I need to know how long to treat w/ copper. It is about $2 per bottle, which will last about 2.5 days.
The 55 gallon has only damsels in it so I could move them to the 175 and start the 55 over again.
What do you think I should do and for how long. The 175 has 12 little 2" fish. 3 Triggers, wrasse, kole tang.
Let me know.


Active Member
I had a small outbreak of ick and read on this board and other places that you can soak frozen food in garlic juice and that would work if the fish ate the food. Well I tried this. I Soaked the food for a couple of hours and feed my fish the garlic soaked food twice a day. I did this for 3 days and guess what, no more ick. I'm not sure if there are any side effects of the garlic but it worked great for me and from what I read worked great for others as well.


New Member
I had a problem with ick shortly after setting up my 110 reef tank. I lost several fish. I installed a 15 watt UV sterilizer and have not seen any ick on the fish since.


New Member
Maybe a Creaner Wrasse would clear up your problem. Cleaner Wrasses will go from fish to fish eating the parasites off of them. Your other fish will of course take very kindly to this gesture.


New Member
kill the 55 its gonna cause problems later... hehe drain the tank and put it in a cheap garbage tank... put a powerhead in it and leave it outside for two days... (depending on your location)...
That will kill everything in the water yet allows it to be reused... on your 175 use copper... but if you really want to do it right.. use your 55 as a hospital tank... Cheaper for the meds and cheaper if you screw up....