How long to settle out?


Active Member
I just added sand to a new tank, most of which wasn't rinsed...some so called "live", some I just didn't have a bucket free. The water has been cloudy now since this afternoon, I can't remember how long it takes to clear up on average?
I have a powerhead that I can run but the filter can not go on until the live rock goes in sometime this week (H2O level too low without LR). I am worried about killing the motor on the powerhead, how long should I wait before running it??
Thanks, how quickly I forgot all of this initial set-up stuff!


Active Member
Oh yes, and I am totally pumped! :jumping: I built a sweet little wall section with live rock so I could get a good 5 inches of sand depth for those jaws, the rest of the tank will have an inch of sand........I am dying to see it clearly, just wish this darn tank would clear up already!!
Thanks again for your response, this board was dead last night. :joy: