How long will it take a juvenile queen angel to start changing color and shape?


My friend just bought one and did not do his research. He was wondering when it would change color and shape. He just bought it yesterday. It is very tiny.

mr . salty

Active Member
If the queen is anything like my Emperor,,It could take years...I have had my Emperor for over two years,and he is just starting to change.And at the rate this change is going,,,It could be another year or two till it is compleate...


angels are suppsed to lose their juvenile markings and change from14 to 18 months unless your water quality is poor.
SLow change indicates poor water quality.

mr . salty

Active Member

Originally posted by chrismilano
SLow change indicates poor water quality.

This is obviously not true in all cases....My tank has near perfect water quality......


Good Point. Not exactly sure what parameters of the water would slow the change... IE: high salinity slows or quickens...
Things that make you go hmmmmm

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I remember reading an article once siting examples where certain angels NEVER changed fully. Many of the examples were Emperor angels. They had no idea why and I guess no one does. The bottom line is that we will never replicate the sea 100% but can always try. Until then there will always be things that make us go hmmmmmmmmmm lol. By the way tell your friend to enjoy her while she's tiny and before she grows into a real bit@@. I've seen this all too often. They are definately one of the nastiest angels combined with the passer. Ah the king and queen angels... I once read an another interesting article explaining the similar origins of the Eastern Pacific passer and the Western Atlantic queens and blues before Central America closed off and seperated them. Oh well that's another topic... and my God what an addicting hobby this is... lol.