How long will my tank take to cycle?


New Member
How long should it take for my 28 gallon tank to cycle, I was told 2 weeks? I s this wrong, is htere a way to speed up the process?


Active Member
Patience is the key to the hobby.
By adding cured live rock and live sand you will speed up the cycle, but you still should wait 4 weeks or so before you SLOWLY start adding life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Myre
Is there anything that I can do to speed up the process?
If you use uncured live rock, things would take it's own place. You need patience to do this hobby, if you don't have patience, you shouldn't do this hobby. Just my thought, not trying to flame you or anything!


New Member
It's not that I don't have patience, it's just that I have been misled with every piece of info my friends with tanks have given me. Do you have any good recomendations for fish or invertebrets?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Myre
It's not that I don't have patience, it's just that I have been misled with every piece of info my friends with tanks have given me. Do you have any good recomendations for fish or invertebrets?
You have a 29 gallon tank right? I didn't think they make 28's. It's pretty small of a tank, so you can't have a lot of stuffs in there. Get a few snails and a hermit crab. Small fish like Green Chromis & Clown fish, good beginner's fish and they're very hardy too. Try to stay away from Damsels cause they can be pretty territorial and can cause problem down the road. So maybe about 6 snails, one or two hermit crab, a shrimp of some sort, couple green chromis, and a clown. Add one item for about every 2 weeks so your tank can handle the bio-load, but only start adding once your tank cycle. Get some uncured live rock to cycle your tank with. Most LFS don't have completely cured live rock since they sell them so quick. Good Luck! :happyfish