how long without lights?


Active Member
anyone? I'm planning to put it in my dads tank on christmas eve and then have him open the new lights we got him on christmas day. will this be ok?
can anyone tell me a little about anenomes?

bang guy

A healthy Anemone can go over a week without light. It won't look good and will need TLC but it will survive.
Many stores don't sell healthy Anemone though...
What species are you considering?


Are you getting the nem from your LFS?
each one need's different needs
how big is his tank?
how much flow?
what kind of lighting are you getting him? some need MH wall others can do on t-5's
how long has he had his tank up?
what is in his reef now?


Active Member
Its a 36 gallon corner.
Right now he has a longnose hawk, blue damsel, and longnose puffer. im gunna get rid of the puffer though and bring him to a lfs. i also planned on getting him a maroon goldbar clown which i would do the same thing as i am with the annenome.
It has about medium flow and about 20 pounds of live rock. some snails and a emrald crab too but i think that dosent make a difference.
I was also going to add alot more sand (2-4inches) because right now he barely has enough to cover the bottom.
I was thinking about a bubble tip or a long tentacle. most likely bought from my lfs. the magnifica on this website also looks really nice. I know very little about anenomes though. any suggestions on the type would be appreciated too.
thanks for the help


Active Member
I'm not too shure about what the lights are. I wanna say t-5s though. and the tank is about 2 1/2to 3 years old and been running that whole time
Sorry I cant spell Anemone bang guy haha


okay, I would go with a BTA, all though if you are going to add some more sand wait you are going to a small spike. I know most people don't want to hear this but from everything I have read, you need your tank up 6+ months to keep a nem healthy and happy. A long tip nem need a DEEP sand bed. I would also think about getting some more live rock, BTA's love to have little caves or cracks they can put there foot deep down into. if you have t-5s then you got enough lighting but if you had bought PC lighting I would say you need to return the unit and get t-5's or MH.


Active Member
well the tanks been up for years so thats no problem.
how long after the sand is added is there going to be a spike? and how deep is deeep enough for the long tentacale?
also can you keep more than one at a time? it would not be added now but eventually.
I think he really likes the Heteractis Magnifica though. is this doable?


Active Member
oh yea. the sand is going to be live sand. im guessing about 3 bags of it???
will you still get the spike with live sand?

bang guy

Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
I think he really likes the Heteractis Magnifica though. is this doable?
It will eat his fish, grows too large for a 36 corner, and needs much, much more light than a Bubble-Tip.


Active Member
haha ok i guess thats out of the picture.
should I add both the maroon clowns at the same time with the anemone or should there be some order as to wich goes in first.
and these should host a bta right?
more then one anemone in a tank?


Active Member
ok. i will probably be able to post it at about 5. but in the meantime would you happen to know about any of my other unanswerd questions?


sorry bud had to go to work, for the clown fish you can get a Maroon clown fish after you add the sand, I would wait a week and test the waters, then you can get a Pair of maroon I have a pair in my tank the female can get up to 6 inches and she will be VERY territorial and possible aggressive towards other fish that you add in later. then when you can add your nem, I would go with a bta they are easier to keep and maroons naturally host them. I would also get a skimmer for your tank as well.


Active Member
theres already a skimmer on it. can the bta be added at the same time as the clowns?
also do the clowns need to be a mated pair or can i just get two of them?
the lights we got have 2 actinic bulbs and 2 t5 s not too sure what actinics are but i just put that anyway haha. Im not too familiar with the lights.


Active Member
you really shouldnt get any anemone in that tank IMO. The hex tanks are very deep and the light doesnt penetrate that well when you are talking like 22" deep or whatever it is (I used to have a 44g corner).
You can do a bta but make sure your rocks are high enough that he can get really close to the light if he wants.
I wouldnt go with any other anemone in that tank. Its too small (footprint), the light issue(depth), and IME the flow is almost impossible to get right in a tank with those dimensions.
Good luck though!


Active Member
ok thanks for the advice
its a 36 bow front corner not a hex. not really too shure what a hex looks like anyway haha


Active Member
just make sure you give the anemone the same environment that you would want ... if you were an anemone.... lol