How long you think my nudibranch will last?


just got them yesterday hoping to eat my hairly algea that no one would eat. One of them is so active, it crawled from one side to the other, and last night it got stuck on my return elbow and didn't know how to get down. this morning i gently pulled it out and put it on a piece of live rock. but a yellowish layer of secretion (part of its body?) sticks on to the elbow, as if part of its bottom layer got torn. but now this one is still so active, crawl every where, my cleaner is wondering at it, so is my aggressive sally lite foot. I am afraid it would get stuck in my powerhead someday.


What kind of nudi?
Ive hada couple... they never last long. I heard that the lettuce nudi's have the most success though. The others are so specialized in their feedind they are nearly impossible to keep for long... I say they are better left in the sea.