How long?


In a 75 gal with 3 pieces of medium shrimp in my sump, how long will I have to wait for the ammonia to start up? As of 6:30 this morning It has been 36 hours and no ammonia yet.


New Member
It will take a few more days before you start to see something. Don't worry about testing every day or you are going to drive yourself crazy. Waiting for a tank to cycle is always hard, but it is well worth it if you take your time.
On my 90 gal, it took about a week before the cycle started, and then another 4 and a half weeks for it to finish, and then another 2 weeks to make sure everything was ok before I started to stock.
I know waiting stinks, but unfortunately, it is the only way to do it right.


I always use Nature's Ocean packaged live sand. It has all the bacteria needed to instantly cycle any tank when used at the rate of 1 pound per gal of water. I have used it with great success in tanks from 20 gal through 75 and never a problem. You can start to add fish a hardy fish or two right away. No need to go through the old fashioned long process. I can't think of a single reason not to use it!


I am glad to hear that it can take awhile. I was just worried that I screwed this up already! I just dont have confidence in my lfs. I don't even know anyone with a marine tank I can ask. I am operating on book knowledge and help from you guys. A few words of advice from fshub in emails has helped me a ton also.
As for the carib sea sand, it is fairly cheap to buy, but shipping for me costs more than the sand. :(