how long


New Member
my 75gal has been cycling since feb 22 is that right should it be that long i test weekly sometimes twice a week but notings happened yet??
at least I dont think so I've had 7 damsel in there the whole time


When you say nothing is happening what exactly do you mean? Did your ammonia increase? Do you have any readings at all on your tests? Do you have any live rock? Your tank should be ready by now....we need a little more info on your tank!


New Member
my readings are all at zero the ph is where it needs to be I only have 2lbs of live rock but lately Im noticing brownish algae all over is that a good thing


New Member
my ammonia never increased ?? could I have just not noticed when it peaks how long does it usally stay that way


Brown stuff is diatom bloom, a good thing. Which means that your tank is almost done with the cycle. Do you check your water everyday during the cycle? You could've missed the spikes, which means that probably your cycle is done without you knowing it :) . Well you can read some more, try to do a search on nitrogen cycle in, and you'll learn new stuff.


When a tank is cycling you may not necessarily get large spikes - like StupidNaso said you probably missed em. The brown algae is like he said diatoms. If your ammonia and nitrites are zero what is your nitrate at? Sounds like your tank is ready to go!


New Member
all the levels are where they should be.
no, I had not tested the water every day once a week, once I even went about 10-11 days before checking.
o.k now that I think Im in the clear what should I add to my 75gal first how often & how many