How many Amps? for 160 - 240gal


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Greetings all!
New Guy here
Great message board yall got goin on!

I've been readin' around and it looks like theres lots of options for doing the same thing, some of them are obviously more efficient than others; I.E. using T5's instead of MH's --- but Lets hear it from the pros!
If you were planning a 200 gallon tank, with money as no object, looking for efficiency at its optimum, how many amps of electricity would it need?
Any tips/suggestions on electrical conservation would also be awesome.

Thanks in advance!


there are many different things that can be done one like you said is to go from MH to t-5's I wouldnt go lower than that though. setting the lights on a timer so that its the same everyday and dont have to worry about running home to shut the lights off of the tank.
another is a closed loop system so instead of 4 or more power heads plus a return pump you can use just one or 2 larger pumps for your entire system.
a good clean running brand of a skimmer with a good quility pump. 2 heaters atleast one as a back up for the main heater.
energy consumption though really depends on what equipment that you get when you setup the tank and what extras you get with the tank.


New Member
Thanks :D Excellent info!, so a closed loop system is more efficient then cuz it uses less pumps? I'll have to look into that
Mostly curious because I don't want to wire up another breaker from my breaker box... As I'm renting this house. If its gonna need more than 20 amps of juice I better think about a smaller tank or perhaps gettin' electrician out here. I'm already using up all my electricity for my other projects. Computers' n air conditioners n' such. Not to mention i'd rather not rack up my power bill too much higher
But really I'd like to have a 300 gallon aquarium if I could swing it!
I figure I'll need at least a 1/3 hp chiller for the tank... thats like 7.3 amps right there yikes.
3 or so pumps including the skimmer? What like 2400 gph each? so 265 watts per pump, 800 some odd watts of lighting, 300 or 600 watts of heaters.....
What did I miss?
Crap thats almost 30 amps right there.
Looks like I need another breaker...


Active Member
Hey Digital....
Very good on the research and welcome to the boards.....
I had the same thoughts as you and will share how it worked out after 1.5 years later.
Details of my system...
Oceanic 215 gal
Coralife Aqualight 72" 150's
45 gal sump
1 350W Won brothers II heater
Aqua C EV 240 with Iwaki MDL40rlt
Reeflo Dart sequence pump(main)
280lb of LR
5" SB
Equip. I run 2 pumps and no power heads. The sequence pump moves the water around with no issues. I wish I would have went a little bigger. The dart does not use much electricity. It is best to run external pumps to keep the heat transfer down thus elminating a chiller which is a major energy hog.
The 2nd pump is for the skimmer. Using external has 2 benefits. 1 heat transfer 2 you do not have to mess with cleaning filters.
Lights are important. Run MH you will be much happier in the long run. Plan on using a canopy and install computer fans to draw the heat out.
If you have any other questions just ask and good luck


New Member
Awesome, Thanks! Sounds like you have the sort of setup I'm planning

Originally Posted by FISHY7
I wish I would have went a little bigger.
When you say this do you mean you wish you'd gotten a little bigger sequence pump? What size is yours? I looked at their website. Looks like a good pump, centerfugal as opposed to magnetic drive... Are they more efficient? I've used pondmaster 2400 pumps in my pond before so I'm fammilar with plumbing them inline
thats a great plan.
elminating a chiller which is a major energy hog.
Wow, you really think I can eliminate the chiller if I use inline pumps? Cool! What kind of temperatures Am I lookin, at? I was seeing a pretty broad range of 72 - 85 degrees... Depends on the species of fish i figure? It gets pretty warm here during the summer so I think I need a chiller as a backup. I'd really hate to kill my fish!
Lights are important. Run MH you will be much happier in the long run.
I knew someone would say that :D Thanks. I figure MH has more UV light and probably provides a better environment. I was thinking I'd use a combination of things... Have at least a 250 w, maybe 400w MH in there on a timer for saving electric, and a few t-5's as well that could be on more often... Hmmm don't want to heat up the water too much, Aircooling lights with computer fans, thats right up my alley. I could get used to this hobby


Active Member

Originally Posted by DigitalOxide
Awesome, Thanks! Sounds like you have the sort of setup I'm planning

From what you are saying...pretty darn close.

When you say this do you mean you wish you'd gotten a little bigger sequence pump? What size is yours? I looked at their website. Looks like a good pump, centerfugal as opposed to magnetic drive... Are they more efficient? I've used pondmaster 2400 pumps in my pond before so I'm fammilar with plumbing them inline
thats a great plan.
Yes I wanted to go a little bigger on the sequence pump. Barracuda is the name of the pump. The only problem I had, was my overflows could not handle. My next tank.
I did a bunch of research on pumps and Reeflo had great reviews and will give you many years of dependable service. Not to mention it is pretty darn quiet. Now the Iwaki pump is a little more noisier then I care for but the pump was designed to run this skimmer.... This also is another dependable pump.

Wow, you really think I can eliminate the chiller if I use inline pumps? Cool! What kind of temperatures Am I lookin, at? I was seeing a pretty broad range of 72 - 85 degrees... Depends on the species of fish i figure? It gets pretty warm here during the summer so I think I need a chiller as a backup. I'd really hate to kill my fish!
I do think you can with a combination of a few things. I did not want a chiller so I did the following and it worked for me. I run my tank at 80 and it only goes to 81 at the end of the light cycle. Lights are 4" off the water also.
1) I run external pumps and no PH's. 2) Installed 4 4" icecap fans in the canopy 3) I leave 1 of my glass lids cracked 4) I have have a fan blowing on my sump while the MH's are on. I am not sure where you are located but in TX is gets pretty hot so I keep my house at 76 and have no problems.

I knew someone would say that :D Thanks. I figure MH has more UV light and probably provides a better environment. I was thinking I'd use a combination of things... Have at least a 250 w, maybe 400w MH in there on a timer for saving electric, and a few t-5's as well that could be on more often... Hmmm don't want to heat up the water too much, Aircooling lights with computer fans, thats right up my alley. I could get used to this hobby
I would suggest a single unit... Look at the Coralife Aqualight pro. I run the 72" and it is a great unit. I am not sure what you are wanting to have in your tank but I have no issues keeping anything with this light. Like you said you do not want to heat that water up to much. If you are interested in pics of my set up I can get some to you... Where are you located?


New Member

Thanks for all the great info! Much appriciated. These sequence pumps look absolutely great. Excellent efficiency moderate head pressure. I'm gonna swap out my pondmaster pump in my pond for one of these too
Thanks for lettin' me know about them. Super powerful pumps. I'm glad to hear they're quiet too
1) I run external pumps and no PH's. 2) Installed 4 4" icecap fans in the canopy 3) I leave 1 of my glass lids cracked 4) I have have a fan blowing on my sump while the MH's are on.
Awesome tips for temperature control. If I cant avoid using a chiller all together, I'll at least be able to get by with a much smaller one than I expected, and it wont even get used in the winter!
Many thanks for those tips.
Interesting stick with one light hmm, OK. Sounds good I like the looks of that coralife aqualight pro. I'll probably go with that one. I'm up here in Oregon myself... :D
I actually don't have the room the tanks gonna be in air conditioned so I think I better be safe than sorry with the chiller.
Say one more quick question I had... The room I want to put the tank in is on a 2nd story... It just crossed my mind that 260 gallons of water is something like 2 tons!!! Am I gonna bust a hole in my floor? hahah! This is a slightly older house. Hmmm. Now I'm a bit worried.
Great site you guys; Keep up the informative & exellent info!


New Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Here is a goo thread to check out. It will help you determine, if you are going to have an issue or not.
Good luck

Thank bro

Looks like I either need to reinforce my floor with some more huge beams or reconsider the size of my tank

Concidering its above the garage though, and theres already a primary support beam underneath it, and a big joist I probably could be ok with at least a 100 gallon tank....... But I think I'm gonna hire a structural engineer just to make sure :D If I'm going to spend all this money on a tank reinforcing the floor cant be too expensive! lol! I figure if I'm gonna do it I might as well do it right and get a 200+ gallon tank!
Cool man, well thanks for the info... I'll be browsin around this place
Probably have some other questions come up sometime or another!
Thanks again