how many Blue Hippo Tangs


can i out in a 360gal tank with 2 bamboo sharks an a cali ray? also ne other suggestions for my tank will b great i want some active fish but they have to b able to get along with my ray and sharks thanks


First, is that the only other fish you want to add? What type of filtration, live rock ect...? More info please.


no thats not all i want to add i want some advice for filtration ill have live rock live sand and a wet/dry also a skimer and some kind of cnister filter


If you wont gonna add any other tangs then a group of three hippos are ok IMO
You cant put angels, puffers, trigger w/ sharks and rays because they can bite/nip them
Maybe a school of very small fish would be very cool, i mean a trio of hippo tangs (they will probably swim together) and a school of small red or orange fish like apagon sp.
I m sure aggressive forum will help better but i really like the cardinal and shark combo