New Member
I am buying a 300 gallon tank soon 96x24x31 (hopefully before Thanksgiving) I have been wracking my brain about what I am going to put in it and then it hit me this weekend while I was out fishing in Montauk. Bluefish (a.k.a., marine piranha, snapper, Pomatomus saltatrix). We were catching these beauties in sizes ranfing from from 6 in. to 20 in. I have heard that they will max out around 24 in. and could weigh as much as 45 lbs. I have searched around, but couldn't find anything about keeping them in the home aquarium and it doesn't look like there are any websites selling them. That is okay as I have access to the northeast waters and could easily catch a few myself. I would just like to know if anyone has any experience keeping these fish and would be able to offer me a little advice. I would like to keep 3 or 4 in my 300g. Would that be overstocked? Thanks for all the help.