How many cleaners do you have???


Active Member

Originally posted by Harlequin
but if you absolutely need that many (one or two per gallon) you are doing something wrong, that or you are simply buying into the vendor cleaner package propaganda they put out to sell more.

still just your opinion, right? I bet you think everybody runs a DSB too? :rolleyes:


I know everyone doesnt have a UGF, theres a guy I know of on a different board who has had his reef tank running for 37 years on a reverse flow UGF. That still des not negate the fact that while some is good, alot does not mean better. While normally I dont consider snails part of a bio-load, when you have them in those numbers, thats alot of poop pellets that no doubt have an effect on things.


Hi, you all have to remember that everyone is at different stages with their tanks and there are soooo many varieties of answers with EVERY question of how people do everything with their tanks!! Some things work better for others, etc... I have a fairly new tank setup. I have 3 turbos, 6 astreas, 20 blue leg and just ordered 50 of the nassarius for 14.99 on ----!! that is shipped! What better way to clean my sand off from a freshly new cycled tank with debritus a bit on the bottom. Happy snails will eat like kings and I got off cheap!! Let's face it, some might think 50 is crazy if they are established and don't have anything on their sand now, but I NEED these....just a thought, I am sure we all have opinions on everying. It is almost comical to hear all the different opinions on everything. Sounds to me that the only guy who really knows how it all works perfect and his way is the man upstairs who created it. We all keep trying to copy his perfection and he is not giving out his secrets completely and makes us guess all the time!!


Active Member

Originally posted by Harlequin
I know everyone doesnt have a UGF, theres a guy I know of on a different board who has had his reef tank running for 37 years on a reverse flow UGF. That still des not negate the fact that while some is good, alot does not mean better.

Doesn't mean its worse either...
Originally posted by Harlequin

thats alot of poop pellets that no doubt have an effect on things.

Bet you didn't know that some snails, like the Cerith's eat other snails (Astrea) poop......



Originally posted by ohiorn67
Hi, you all have to remember that everyone is at different stages with their tanks and there are soooo many varieties of answers with EVERY question of how people do everything with their tanks!! Some things work better for others, etc... I have a fairly new tank setup. I have 3 turbos, 6 astreas, 20 blue leg and just ordered 50 of the nassarius for 14.99 on ----!! that is shipped! What better way to clean my sand off from a freshly new cycled tank with debritus a bit on the bottom. Happy snails will eat like kings and I got off cheap!! Let's face it, some might think 50 is crazy if they are established and don't have anything on their sand now, but I NEED these....just a thought, I am sure we all have opinions on everying. It is almost comical to hear all the different opinions on everything. Sounds to me that the only guy who really knows how it all works perfect and his way is the man upstairs who created it. We all keep trying to copy his perfection and he is not giving out his secrets completely and makes us guess all the time!!

Very well said!:)
Everyone definitely has different ways to setup their systems... Who's to say who is right and who is wrong? The beauty of the message boards here is that it gives us an opportunity to hear everyone's opinions and advice, and then make our own
decisions. In the beginning, I would have been lost without this forum. But trust me when I say that after taking in all the advice so freely given here... my personal preferrence always won out in the end. Was it right? Was it wrong? Who knows...? All that matters is if I'M happy with the decisions I make. Plus, the journey is half the fun!:D


Active Member

Originally posted by Harlequin
. While normally I dont consider snails part of a bio-load, when you have them in those numbers, thats alot of poop pellets that no doubt have an effect on things.

Just think about all those people with DSB:eek: all those critters in there, must be hundreds of thousand of them...and all those poop pellets
That's a lot of poop pellets that no doubt have an effect on things. I wonder what the effect is:notsure: