how many cleaners?



i did a search, but for a 35 g tank how many cleaners should i have?
right now i have 2 scarlet crabs 1 emerald, one coral banded shrimp and 2 snails. is this enuff?
i also have brown algea on the glass, which from reading is a good thing?

jessi p

This is recommended by for that size:
Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10
Blueleg Hermit Crab: 10
Nasssarius Snail: 10
Brittle Starfish: 2
Coral Banded Shrimp: 1
Emerald Crab: 3
Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20
Cleaner Clam: 2
Hope this helps!


Active Member
well, the brown algae (diatoms) are a sign of a healthy tank going well through the cycle. get a mexican turbo (or two of em eventually), get some more hermits, get some astrea snails. I would not suggest the brittle stars. If you have sand get the cleaner clams (littlenecks from your local food store will save quite a bit of money) and the nassarius snails as well.
just make sure you hit the beach, the LFS, Michaels craft store, or here and buy hermit (snail)shells. supposedly this site's hermit shells are really tiny though.


Active Member
as many as you can get and kept fed :) hermits start with 15, astrea snails start with 20, mexican turbo's start with 2, 1 or 2 emerald crabs (get em small), and a small sally lightfoot (my hardest working crab) but realize the sally could get big enough to grab a small fish. i'd never get a CBS


k also i am thinking of soft corals down the road. will my whisper and on powerhead be enuff? or should i have 2 powerheads.
and will the clean up crew mess with soft corals?