How many crabs


Active Member
How many total crabs would I need for a 90g tank. I have some now not sure how many. But is it like 1 per gallon?


Active Member
you dont really need any, they just help, some people go 1 crab to 1 gallon but i think 50-60 crabs as well as some other scavangers would be good


Active Member
Hey dude I think it's against the law to take things from the ocean that are alive. And for your future posting. If you have a post that dosen't have anything to do with someones ? then post your own topic. Thanks


Active Member
yes, please have respect for the orgional poster and not go ot when someone needs help. I like both blue leg and scarlet. i have heard they will fight if kept together but ive done it once and didnt have a problem, if any one had them together you could tell us if yours got along. if i had to choose i would go with the blue leg. the helped clean (pretty much wiped out) an outbreak of hair algae in one of my tanks while the scarlets did eat some, they didnt make a major contrubition.


Well dude, sorry about the post then. I guess I stepped on you and I apologize. I figured since it was a post about hermits I would ask about the one's I caught.
Also it is not against the law to take things from the ocean and where do you think you get the ones you buy? A bathtub somewhere?
I've lived here my entire life and have never heard such a thing. People around the Gulf use nets to catch things for a whole slew of reasons.
I'm sorry for all the other irreverent info I added to my post.
Though in the future, don't get upset as I did not cover your post and you will get replies anyway.
Be happy in life.


New Member
i have two tanks with both blue legs and scarlets (and red legs) in each. They seem to get along fine, yet get more blue legs than scarlets. They both do a good job cleaning my tanks but the scarlets get bigger so you need lots of empty shells ranging in different sizes...which pretty much goes for any type of crab, the more shells the less they will fight for eachothers.
Hope this helps!


Active Member
Well "dude", in the first place i was politely stating my buisness, which you obviously took offense to. There is no need to get upset. its fine to say what crabs you have but it is pointless to tell us everything you caught and put in the tank. No need to apologize. i would be careful about what things you put in your tank if you havent researched them first.


That's Mr. Dude to you....hehe j/k
Never took offense to the posts., just stated my opinion also.
No use taking offense or getting mad on these boards. Never solves a thing.
Anyway, I accept your apology....oh wait a minute, I was the one apologizing....heh.


Active Member
Crabs in general are found on send beds and not to often on the reefs themselves.
I have 1 hermit in my 100 gal tank. He goes from oneside to the other everyday. He is a good cleaner and I don't worry about him killing other hermits.
I can't tell you how many I bought and they end up killing each other. Blue or scarlet, don't matter.
Fire eater-- I think you need a permit to take living things out of the ocean for use in an aquarium.
I've gone claming to eat them, you don't need a permit, but you do need to follow the rules...


My reply will be in the Aquarium section.
This might be a good discussion to get going.
It will be under "Permit needed or not?"